A resource for people going to EmCell in Kyiv, Ukraine - EmCell is open in 2025
Contact Eric if you wish to ask him anything about his journeys to EmCell in Kyiv, Ukraine

I'm Eric Merola, director of "Ukraine: Fetal Stem Cell Pioneers" and "The God Cells".
I’ve been making documentary films that explore innovative and disruptive medical technologies for 15 years. “The God Cells” is my 4th documentary, and “Ukraine: Fetal Stem Cell Pioneers” is my 7th documentary — both explore fetal stem cell therapy, with a primary focus on EmCell, in Kyiv, Ukraine—because there is literally no other institution on earth doing this, and Ukraine is the only country on earth this therapy is legal and regulated. In addition to being a journalist in this effort, I am also a fetal stem cell patient.
What an experience.
Since 2016, I have traveled to EmCell dozens of times: seven times for treatment, plus accompanying friends and family for their treatment. Email me if you wish to ask me questions about the experience.

Traveling to EmCell in 2024
Updated information on what to plan for when traveling to EmCell in 2022.
Where to stay, eat, shop, and other fun.
See my recommendations on where to stay, where to find the best food, where to shop, and where to go out and have a blast in Kiev!

Contact Eric
Whether you've already made the journey, or plan to, I always enjoy answering questions about my research on this technology.
Email: eric@ericmerola.com
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